Why We Build Speculative Buildings
We build speculative (spec) buildings because it allows us to deliver a finished building in less than half the time it would take if we started from scratch. The companies that we typically work with are automotive related, technology, or R&D type companies.
These companies have really changed in the last ten to fifteen years, especially the automotive industry. Today, it’s not as much about the car as it is the technology in the car.
Business and technology are constantly changing and changing very quickly. The companies we work with do not always know they need a new facility until they are signing a new contract or making a new business commitment that would require more space and create a need to hire new employees. When they finally realize this, it has to happen fast.
When we build a spec building, we start the construction process before we have the actual user. This allows us to cut the upfront lead time in almost half for someone looking for a new facility. Our spec buildings are essentially a finished enclosed building with a dirt floor on the inside. Think of the dirt floor as a blank canvas for a painter. It allows us the flexibility to work with the customer, architects and engineers to layout and design a building that will suit their needs. There is not much that we cannot accommodate. As a turn-key partner, contractor and landlord, we support the process from the beginning to end.
The type of user may differ in building size, yet they are all similar in style. They are sophisticated companies with very technical space requirements.
These requirements range from two-story office buildings, high-tech labs, advanced machining requirements, as well as updated office space that allow for employees to work and grow together. Companies want to handle their need for growth and attract top talent. The next generation of employees want to work for employers who are adding amenities in their buildings such as fitness centers, collaboration areas, and open office environments. It adds to the creative process.
This model of building has worked for us for many years. It has allowed us to satisfy our clients’ needs in this fast moving, highly evolving business climate. We believe that this will continue to be the model to set the course for our development in the future.